5 character traits that tell you it’s time to start your own creative business

Updated on 23 June 2015

Some of us are born with an innate creativity that seems to propel us in everything we do. Others find creativity through their methods and learn it. However, you come by your creative muse, using that ability to start your own business can be a bit daunting. After all, talent is important but there is more to it than just that. So what other traits do you need to have to know you are ready to start up your own creative business?



Being motivated to do well is one of the most frequently mentioned characteristics for an entrepreneur but there’s more to it than just the drive to succeed. The best in the business combine motivation and ambition to have an approach to their business that works. They are goal orientated while having the stamina to overcome hurdles when they occur. They want to do well, be influential and attract attention, having a motivation to perform and excel in their profession.


We all know being focused on your goals and aims is vital in a business or you will simply flounder around without a vision. But focusing on the smaller aspects of the business are just as important for long-term success as the big picture. After all, the big picture won’t come into being if all the small stuff fails. Thinking about everything from cash flow issues to succession of roles as the business expands are all given as examples.


One of the best ways to learn when starting a business is by being curious about everything you encounter. How does another business deal with a certain issue? How do other types of business manage outsourcing? By being curious about all types of businesses, you will learn what may work for your business and be able to adapt it to your trade.


Being flexible in your approaches is the best way to cope with the unexpected and to make the most of when things go well. It is good to have a plan and a vision for your business but being able to change this quickly when things either go better or worse than expected is essential. If you stick doggedly to your ideas, things may come around but if you adapt to changing circumstances, the odds in your favour will greatly increase.

Collaborating with others

It may seem that the most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who micro manage every single aspect of their business but this isn’t the case. In fact, the opposite is largely true. Successful businesses come from successful collaboration with others – using the talents of others to complement your own, for example. Even if you are going to be a sole trader, collaborating with others can ensure your success.


These characteristics aren’t a checklist – don’t think if you are missing number three, you will not be able to start your own business. But by considering these approaches and ideals, you can help train yourself to think like the top entrepreneurs do and therefore increase your creative business’s chances.

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